Well it’s 5.20PM on Friday 1st November 2024 and the van is packed for the Friday Threat. [25th November below]. It’s also quite cold, and Continue Reading
Friday Threat
This is pretty nasty. I live in a garden shed, but mostly people call it a cabin. (It’s a garden shed with lining.) The whole caravan park is dehumanizing. The ‘cabin’ next door is ten feet away. When the owners arrive they turn on their air conditioner and make other disturbing noise from 7am to after 10pm, and sometimes leave the air conditioner on all night. I can’t think, sleep, relax or do anything other than try not to have a heart attack from the noise stress. They don’t often come and stay. But the threat moves in directly, every single Friday, that they might. The Friday Threat determines my week. It’s a horrible way to live, and the person who decides these things is the son of the owner. Someone who has no qualifications, no experience, no aptitude, and no knowledge of the laws involved. He rules 100% in favor of the site owner and 100% against me the tenant, and never asks my point of view. That’s the metric and that’s it. If I say anything more, he says, I’m evicted. It’s a horrible way to live.
Pointless Guessing Game
Will the “industrial zone noise” neighbours come down today or not? It’s raining; been overcast all day, and probably is much the same for the Continue Reading
Friday Super Threat – October Long Weekend
9.09am. Friday 4th September, 2024. Woke at 3am already stressed. Running through scenarios in my mind. Since I don’t know when the neighbour will turn Continue Reading
The Threat On Steroids
So it’s just after 6PM and I’m watching the television news. In it I hear the words, “this long weekend.” I hadn’t thought too much Continue Reading
A Glimpse Of The Friday Threat
Here is the beautiful sunset over an ancient land, with remnants of volcanoes still standing. Apparently – according to a scientific record* – these mountains Continue Reading
Timing The Friday Return
Most people look forward to going home. I have neither a home nor can I look forward to getting there. Especially on a Friday. So Continue Reading
Forced Out
So it happened. Here I am. Went through the usual sad rigmarole last night: dinner before 6pm, throw my backpack and modem in the car Continue Reading
It’s Here!
The Friday Threat has arrived. Actually, it loomed in pretty horribly on Wednesday this week. I’ve put up with it since then but now it’s Continue Reading