Here is the beautiful sunset over an ancient land, with remnants of volcanoes still standing.

Apparently – according to a scientific record* – these mountains were about seven times higher when first formed. They’ve washed down into the sea to form the continental shelf.
I think about things like that, standing there, having had to leave the garden shed due to the Friday Threat. It’s this part of the escape I don’t mind. Although cold, I can never decry having to see a sunset, no matter the reason for being put in front of one.
But after three hours, the wait gets drags on the thoughts. Waiting to do a drive-past to see if the threat has transformed into an exodus of one and a half days and two nights – living in a rest area off the highway.
And so this photo of the same spot seemed to capture a wisp of the Friday Threat as it paraded through my internal vision. Nasty, and thankfully but a glimpse:

I did the drive-past after 9.30pm and the coast was clear. By 10pm the threat had passed. I could sleep in the shed again.