The Threat On Steroids

So it’s just after 6PM and I’m watching the television news. In it I hear the words, “this long weekend.”

I hadn’t thought too much about the Friday Threat today, aware that on Wednesdays it can be pretty bad and counting today the nights until Friday, it being Tuesday.

With a sickening feeling I quickly google ACT public holidays and sure enough: October 7 is Labour Day and a public holiday.

It’s also school holidays. So with Monday now I see as a holiday as well, the chances of the “industrial noise” neighbours coming down, turning on the air conditioner, and generally seeming to want to make as much noise as possible, are massively increased. In fact, it’s probably near-certain they’ll be down.

That would mean the Friday Threat hits hard on Friday (though present all the time), the driveby at after 9.30PM past the neighbours that night will likely mean I have to keep driving past my rental and I’ll be spending Friday night, Saturday, Saturday night, Sunday, Sunday night and Monday morning in the highway rest area.

And I’m paying for the pleasure.

This absolutely stinks. The selfishness and unbelievable bogan disregard for me I think is obvious, but to have what I expect is someone who has “manager’s” powers and I expect is:

  1. Unqualified: zero qualifications;
  2. Inexperienced: zero experience prior to getting the position. Wherein he’d have to prove himself capable of dealing with people in such a manner that impacts their lives, abiding by the law, and doing so considerately and with proven success;
  3. Inapt: zero aptitude for dealing with people. Spends all day on vehicles, machines and tools. Zero people skills;
  4. Zero knowledge: especially of the laws.

So how did this kid get the job and the power of being a “manager”?

Daddy. Daddy gave it to him.

Then you can add a number 5. Zero effort to get any knowledge, experience, qualifications and grow some aptitude after he got the job.

I’ve been told by lawyers he should be hauled in front of a magistrate. I think his father should too, for giving the power to impact peoples’ lives to a person with zero aptitude for a start, and then all those other absences which prove, I think, an almost criminal decision. It is certainly reckless.

I’m absolutely furious tonight. Here I was hoping to relax and thought I’d have a normal week of the Friday Threat.

Far from it.

This kid ‘manager’ (sic) thinks it’s perfectly fine for me to be harassed by continual and I’m sure is illegal noise. In fact, he thinks it’s my fault for bringing it up. 100% on the side of the industrial zone noise makers, 100% against me – whose life is heavily impacted negatively, financially and healthwise inclusive, and who provides the solution by leaving the premises and living in a highway rest area in the van.

Am I entitled to call these two a pair of arseholes?

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