Illegal And Who Cares?

Is this legal?

Firstly, the kid ‘manager’ – who I’m sure has no qualifications, no experience, no aptitude and no knowledge (of managerial principles and procedures and of the laws but got the job because of “daddy”) – sold a property. At least, that’s what it looked like. In fact, I’ve seen him sell two.

So there are For Sale signs on these kennels, sorry, “cabins” – the ones with caravans attached and all anchored by chains to the ground – and I see the kid ‘manager’ show people the properties and hear them talking. Then I see him take down the For Sale signs and the people move in.

I hear him telling the people about electricity, hot water, car parking and so on. In other words, advising potential customers of the property.

In real estate, I have an inkling that to advise someone requires a real estate’s licence. I don’t know if the kid ‘manager’ has a licence to sell, but I’d bet two legs and a pizzle stick that he doesn’t.

Then, my guess is he gets the paperwork prepared, by a lawyer or by daddy, and is the interface between purchaser and park owner for the actual documented sale. Not sure, maybe his sister does it, who seems more intelligent and capable.

So there’s the question of whether the kid ‘manager’ is acting illegally by being unlicensed.

Now to the car park. Can you believe this family sold a property to a lady without a legally designated car space?

The property they sold doesn’t have room for a car space beside it. That’s how greedy and inhumane this family is, in my view.

So I heard the kid ‘manager’ say “the car space is over there” and points to the tiny grassed area beside this kennel. Where I am. Now, that’s ‘my’ property.

As part of a sale, I don’t think that’s legal either.

But it’s just an arsehole thing to do. The owners and kid ‘manager’ haven’t as far as I can see bothered about getting the lady a legally designated space (a surveyor said they would later but was very indistinct about it all), and rely really on bully tactics. The tenant, me, just has to accept the imposition or get booted out.

Lovely family, isn’t it?

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