It Never Gets Better

4.54PM. Yes. Friday 22nd November, 2024 and the threat is forcing me out of the kennel, or garden shed without the garden, otherwise deceivingly known as a cabin. I’ll have dinner here and then head out, waiting for the 9.30PM driveby to see if I’m able to stay tonight in the place I pay for, or if I have to live in the rest area off the highway. It’s hot today (will be tomorrow, too). Which means noisy arsehole neighbour is going to have his air conditioner going through the night and all day tomorrow nonstop. He does, even if it’s not hot. Hence the Friday Threat. Other noise too, not to mention, making their arrival a light industrial zone. Well “managed” park, isn’t it. Bags are packed:

Waiting for 9.30PM (which came, and the threat still doesn’t pass until Sunday for sure, but at least the risk is lower after that time.) If you look closely there’s a light up and to the right of the vehicle. That’s very strange, that light, as it moves around but doesn’t travel far across the night sky. I wonder what it is. Seen it often now.

It can be seen better here:

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