Friday 8th November, 2024

10.05am. Most things are organised this morning for the forced escape this evening from the kennel, or garden shed without the garden, otherwise known as a cabin. Just have to put water in the car, add food and communication devices. I’m never sure if the neighbours are coming down, but have to leave anyway in case they do. If I leave when they arrive they could complain to the kid ‘manager’ who’d likely boot me out for upsetting them. Utterly wrong, the whole thing, all of this, but that’s the nature of the neighbour and what happens when the ‘manager’ I expect

a) has zero managerial qualifications;

b) had zero managerial qualifications prior to getting the job

c) has zero aptitude for people management

e) has zero knowledge. Of managerial principles, the law, and basic good decision-making.

4.40PM Extremely hot in the kennel, or garden shed without a garden, or cabin as otherwise known, even though the hottest part of the day has passed. That’s because of the inhuman cheapskate bottomfeeder construction. Heat gets in, keeps getting generated from the external tin and the stupid colour of it, and the silly little windows don’t do a thing for ventilation. No breeze inside, and no replenishment of the hot air inside.

33 degrees in the late afternoon. This place is a heat stroke, heart attack, death trap.
25 degrees is the outside temperature. This illustrates the heat stroke death trap that is this place

Earlier today I went down to the sea to get out of this place, and took this photo:

It’ll be dinner time soon. Then I leave the place, forced out for at least until 9.30PM, and forced out until Sunday (usually) to live in a rest area if the neighbours come down.

Yesterday I paid the rent to the family who owns this.

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