It’s the ugliness of the Friday Threat that is nearly as damaging as the wrongness. A ferocious assault on the state of civilized apprehension of life at which we’re supposed to have arrived. It is possibly the worst combination of two human faults. Ignorance. Arrogance.
The kid ‘manager’ is in my opinion demonstrably arrogant. And I’ll guarantee he is clueless about even the basic acts of parliament which determine his position – a position of some considerable power, no less, because he can impact peoples’ lives very significantly, with potentially life-threatening consequences. And I expect the kid ‘manager’ hasn’t made any effort to obtain a) managerial qualifications, b) experience elsewhere (we’re the guinea pigs), c) knowledge, especially legal knowledge. He is, it appears to me from his demeanor and speech, too arrogant to think he needs to.
So apart from being wrong and damaging – it has affected my health – it is butt ugly.
Therefore it’s nothing short of a blessing to be able to get amongst this:

And it makes me think, as ever, of those in the world far worse off than me. My eyes have seen this scene. I took the photo. I was there. A little slice of heaven on earth.
I can only be deeply grateful.